Saturday, October 22, 2011

Happy First Birthday Torrance Reagan!

Oh, Torrance Reagan you are One!!
How can that be so?

I look at you and wonder how a year could pass so quickly.
A year that I begged to pass slowly.
A year that I tried my very best to savor every minute of and remember every moment.

Torrance, You are a special girl I tell you.
Number 5.
Our last baby.

From the moment I held you I felt complete.
Actually from the moment I heard them say, 'Its a girl!'
And that is something that I have never felt before.

You completed our family.
We prayed and prayed for you little girl.
For your health, for your place in our family, for your future.
I prayed that God would complete our family in the most perfect way.
And He did sweet girl...
God gave us you.

Its no secret that baby girls are your daddy's biggest weakness.
And you were no different!
He loved to hold you in those early days...and simply stare at you.
Never doubt all the love he has for you.

Your siblings were infatuated with you.
Moments like these in this picture made me feel first, overwhelmed
- wow that is a lot of kids hovered around me!
But secondly, so blessed, just look at them all loving you and wanting to be close.
We are truly so very blessed.
And you were such a perfect baby to be our last. So laid back and content.
So inquisitive and alert.
You filled our house with such a sweetness.

Now that you are one I will admit that I am sad.
I'm sad to have the baby phase ending.
I'm sad to know that you wont curl on my chest and just let me hold you.
But I can see in your sweet blue blue eyes all the fun that is coming.
Your spit fire and spunk and your love to be the center of attention is already giving us so much laughter and joy.

At one you wave bye-bye, play peek-a-boo, do 'so-big', say da-da, a little version of uh-oh, shake your head no and babble - ALL THE TIME!
You are into everything. You climb like none of your siblings ever did.
You get into all my cupboards and you never play with real toys!

Torrance one thing I know...on October 22, 2010 God gave me a miracle...
just as magical and amazing as the first.

We will forever be thankful and in awe that He chose our family for you.

Thank you sweet girl...for filling my heart to the brim.

All our love,
Mommy and Daddy

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