Sunday, February 19, 2012

baby elephants

We had a great weekend after a week of 2 sick little girls.

Jordan and I headed off with the Price's for some ISU bball watching, dinner out and tons (and tons) of laughs. 

The kids had Rosanna and Isaiah all to themselves for about 24 hours. They too packed in a lot of fun. We are trying to soak them up as much as possible since they move ACROSS THE COUNTRY soon. Yes, insert my panicked sobs!

Anyway, now I am fried.
But I just have to tell you that in my mind there is nothing cuter than a baby elephant. 
And a baby elephant running???
forget about it.  
(I realize that was completely random but I saw the picture and all I could think was,
'I really want a baby elephant, but I bet Jordan will never let me get one.' so yeah, Im not thinking real straight apparently.)

Now its time to muster up some energy for game night and chocolate chip cookies with the kids.
A great way to end the weekend in deed. 

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Wow. That weekend really did leave you brain dead! Ha! Fun times :)