Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday Sullivan Joseph!

Again, without permission, you went and got older!
You are SIX Sullivan! 

Sullivan approaches life with an excitement that may be unmatched. 
Which looking back really explains a lot about the night he was born!
He was so eager to see what life could hold that he came out without the nurses, the doctor or even his mommy knowing he was here. 
(true story...if you dont know it, read it here.)

He drives me completely insane and makes me want to pull my hair out. 
He brings me to tears and makes me want to smother him in kisses. 

He is amazingly smart. Truly a wonder with math concepts. 
He sometimes cannot remember something I told him 3 minutes previous. 

He is the best and most protective brother. 
He is the most annoying and pesky brother. 

He has the LOWEST lows. 
He has the HIGHEST highs.

He is serious about his school AND his play.
He loves to set up his 'guys' and strategize.
He is becoming a great reader and is always sounding out words.
He loves maps and puzzles. 

He is skin and bones. 
Skin and bones!
He thinks his rib cage is his muscles....those aren't a 6 pack buddy! 

Sullivan is the messiest eater I've ever seen. 
He has the most beautiful, long dark lashes. 
He has the most captivating blue eyes. 
He has the world's WORST fake smile.
He has my favorite REAL smile. 

He loves time with his dad. 
He is SO competitive with him. 

This picture IS Sullivan. 
messy face, huge eyes, eye brows raised in excitement, no teeth, 
Sullivan you are so full of life. 
I pray that you will never lose that. 
You fill our days with so much zest and our hearts with so much joy. 
You are our only boy and you do not disappoint!

You have all of our love. 
Every last bit of it! 

Happy Birthday, buddy. 
Happy, Happy Birthday! 


Anonymous said...

Tell him I said, "Happy Birthday SULLY!!"

Jennie Peakin said...

You must have never seen Tate eat...HE is the messiest eater ever! :)