Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I've come close to the part of my pregnancy where I care NOTHING about how I look. If it weren't for going to work 2-3 days per week I swear I'd never get out of my sweatpants and tshirt.

Now please explain this to me: When I'm not pregnant I feel that I can pull together my work attire fairly well and manage to look professional. But today, I arrive at work and within 10 minutes I am informed that I have a huge goober on the back of my shirt. 5 minutes later I'm told that I also have something all over the leg of my pants.
I investigate in the bathroom and find out that the shirt goober is Avery's granola bar and the leg goober is Sullivan's muffin.
And you want to know the worst part? I don't care. If I weren't pregnant I'd go home and change. But there is not one fiber of my being that cares enough to do that.

I've become the mom I SWORE I'd never be...the frazzled, dirty, out of control, unorganized mess. I've given up.

And because I am also an emotional mess I'm torn between crying because someday I'm sure I'll miss finding their goobers on me and wanting to run far far away from children who goober on me.

Someone please tell me I wont stay this way forever! I might go cry now.


angie said...

You won't stay this way forever :-)

I love ya, Becky. You are wayyyyy too hard on yourself. You are a truly beautiful woman (inside and out), and when we see you on the rare occassions we do, I am amazed at how put together you are, how great you look for a woman with three (soon to be four) kids. Shoot, I don't even have little kids anymore and somehow I manage to have coffee spilled on myself, food in my hair. And I really have no excuse for it. I admire you!!

Shannon/Jodi said...

Welcome to my world. I'm at the point now that even though I'm not pregnant, I still don't care about the goobers. And even worse, I've been seen out and about with no make-up, wearing the sweats, t-shirts, and slippers. And I still don't care. Fifteen years ago I never would have admitted that. By the time my littles are no longer goobering on me, I'll probably have grandkids to goober on me. Encouraging, huh?

Courtney said...

i'm totally with you about the sweatpants! NOTHING else is comfortable!