Sunday, May 04, 2008


Well I can't say that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but atleast I know I am in a tunnel - so I know there is an end! :)
We (and by we, I mean mostly Jordan) primed and painted most of the weekend. But between having a lot of family in for the weekend, trying to enjoy the beautiful weather and spend time with the kids, we didnt get quite as far as we wanted. The kids loved being in the midst of chaos. It was actually fun for us at first too, but by the second day when Sully had stuck his hand in the paint for the third time and Lauren and Avery were fighting over who got to climb the ladder and who got to help paint - it was far less cute to have to paint with 3 kids ages 6-2 hanging around!

Here's what we accomplished:
a) the girls new room is completly primed, the purple walls are done and the ceiling is almost done. We still have to do the trim to do but we arent sure what's going up yet. The closet doors are also almost done.
b)the den is primed
c)the piano is gone! no one cried - we just all said good-bye

Tomorrow the insulation guys are coming and then tomorrow night Jordan and I will finish up all the painting in the girls room.
I'm hoping that the flooring people aren't coming this week because I really need to get the bathroom painted before the flooring in there gets installed.

Anyway, my back feels like its torn to shreds and I no longer have anything that even resembles ankles, we are going to put the brushes away and call it a night.

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