Thursday, May 08, 2008

The potty is acky.

Sullivan doesnt have too much interest in using the potty but I think he's getting closer. He has told us he needs to go and made it to the potty ONE time which may or may not have been a fluke. Since then, little interest. He does kind of like to sit there though.
Lately when he goes #2 he'll come tell us. Another good sign I believe.

BUT then today came.

He came into the LVR and said, "I pooped." I said, "Sullivan, you have to go poop in the potty, not in your diaper."
Sully said, "No. Potty's ACKY!

Great, he thinks the potty is acky!??!?! That will surely help.

And for the record - my toilets are clean.

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