Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday, Sullivan Joseph!

Sullivan Joseph...Where can I even begin?
Since as long as I can remember I prayed that God would give me a son someday. God answered my prayer with you. I must be the most blessed woman that you call me 'mommy'. I love knowing the special bond that mothers and sons share.

Each night after I tuck you in to bed and close the door I breathe a sign of relief, the sigh of relief that all mothers of sons must breathe. Then as I walk down the stairs I say a prayer. I thank God for giving you to me and I ask him to not let these days pass to quickly. Because I realize that there will come a day when I wont be able to hug you and kiss your cheeks whenever I want. There will come a day when you will be mortified by the thought of me snuggling and cuddling with you. And that thought makes the days when you try me to the point of complete exasperation, very much worth it.

You've taught us many things in your 3 years. You've taught us that there is truly a BIG difference between little boys and little girls. One of my biggest joys is to notice that with you and your sisters. You've also taught us that when God is asking us to trust Him, even when it is most difficult, all we can do is look to Him and trust with all our heart and soul.

Waiting for you to walk was an excruciating time for us. But the first time I saw you walk across the room was one of the happiest most gratifying moments in my life.

With the birth of your baby sister you have no doubt been put in a unique spot in the family. The lone boy. This makes you so very special and gives you so much responsibility! We know you are up to the challenge and we think you might even enjoy being Daddy's only boy.

Sullivan, words cannot express the dreams that you have fulfilled for your dad and I. There is nothing in the world that can compare to calling you my son. I am ultimately proud of you and excited to see where Gods path will take you.

As you grow I pray that you will remember that God has already worked miracles in your life. There is nothing that He cannot do if you will allow Him to take control. I pray that you will learn to be a man of God who looks to Him for your strength and encouragement.

And I pray that you when you think of 'home' you will think of your dad and I and you will understand that never has a boy been more loved and more treasured.

All our love Sullivan Joseph, all our love.


Shannon/Jodi said...

Happy Birthday Sully!

I love reading your birthday posts!

Anonymous said...

When they think they are toooo big for the cuddles,hugs and kisses, that is when you offer mucho many back rubs, they love them and you get the pleasure of the closeness again!!! It isn't quite the same, but it will carry you through until they reach the age of hugs again!!!