Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Only in small town Iowa...

So I picked Tess up from daycare today and when I walked in the door one of the teachers in the hall said, Tess was fussy today, she didn't nap. I knew immediately that she was sick.

Now Tess does not nap well at daycare, but they say she is never fussy. In fact I've accused them of lying to me that she is really as good as they say.

When I walked into her room she didn't smile at me, this confirmed to me that she was sick.
We came home and tried to get her to nap. She wanted nothing to do with it.

Jordan brought her back downstairs and I said, I'm calling the dr. She's sick. She's had a cough and a nasty green runny nose all week. While she's been acting fine all week, I knew now it had become something more...
He said there was no way anyone was still in the office, it was 6:00.

Now I'm telling you, this is why I love small town Iowa...

I called the clinic and our dr. was there doing paper work. She told me to bring Tess right in and she unlocked the doors and turned all the lights back on.
After she diagnosed Tess's THIRD EAR INFECTION IN 2 MONTHS, she called the Pharmacy and ordered the prescription and got them to keep the door open.
Then the pharmacist MET ME AT THE DOOR, told me he went ahead and charged the prescription to our account and wished me a peaceful night with the antibiotic!

Here's to small town Iowa. And to the hope of Spring being just around the corner and ear infections being gone for another season!


Anonymous said...

Big city experience: Called the dr. Was re-routed to a nurses' exchange line where I was informed that my call would be recorded. An impersonal nurse when through a computer screen of symptoms and told me to go the ER. Of course, Caleb was fine. We were just out an ER co-pay and a night of sleep.

Beckysblog said...

There are benefits to the small town life! And I need to be reminded of them from time to time!

Anonymous said...

Late night run to DQ - not gonna happen in GC. Pizza delivery, what is that? I could continue, but you get the drift.


Meghan said...

If it is not me with a sick is you. Hope this winter is over soon.

Beckysblog said...

Lucky for us its only been Tess really. Other than that we've had a pretty healthy winter.
And for me, as long as its not the stomach flu...I can handle it.
Its the vomiting in bed that drives me to insanity.