Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What I love about Sully, age 3:

-his long long, dark dark lashes that frame those blue blue eyes...look out you cannot say no to those eyes. Its too powerful a combination.
-when he says, "Actually, mommy..."
-when he tells us out of the blue..." I love you mommy/daddy/avery/lauren/contessa caroline"
- that he is so loving and quick to hug and kiss and show affection
-that he talks to me LITERALLY ALL DAY LONG. I swear sometimes my ears must be bruised by the end of the day.
-that he loves puzzles and is really good at them and refuses to have help.
-that he loves to be read to
-when he says, "I not know" instead of "I don't know"
- when he says, "I want too much" instead of, "I want a lot"
-the way he loves Jordan and craves daddy time
-how he always calls Tess either Contessa or Contessa Caroline
-how he tries so hard to get his fingers in the position to show that he is 3, but just cant quite do it without help.
-that he loves to have 'spikey' hair
-that he loves to wear 'daddy shirts' aka t-shirts or tank-tops under his shirt.
-how excited he gets to see Jalen in the morning at school.
-how he and Jalen compare their shirts and talk about what is on their shirts when they first see each other.
-how he calls Rosanna, 'Zanna'
-the way he loves his uncles and gets excited to see them.
-how sweet he is with Tess
-how much he loves being outside
-when he tells me I'm pretty
-when he tells me HE is cute.
-how he loves watching Rick Steves with Jordan!
-watching him set up his Thomas tracks
-how he plays 'house' with his Spiderman characters
-how when he prays he puts his hands folded over his mouth and says, "Dear Jesus, Thank you for her and her and her and her and him. AMEN!" Pointing out each of us at the table and then screaming his Amens.
-that he cannot walk to the van in the morning with out sticking his leg the snowbank at least one time
-his incessant need to wrestle
-the way he uses one of my grandma's old canes as a microphone and sings into or puts on 'sermons'


Melanie said...

HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY SULLY! We love you!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you - this made my day

Anonymous said...

today as I getting up Avery's web site, Sully was on my lap and pretty red roses came on the screen, He said "I'm going to get those for you Mama" What a heart!