Saturday, February 28, 2009

He's got me

I wont lie, Sullivan has been very 'trying' lately. Potty training is basically a flop at this point and he just has attitude. Melanie says he's going through a bad cycle, he definitely is.
Everything has to be screamed and the term inside voice is totally not comprehended. And he NEVER and I mean NEVER stops talking!
Everything also has to be thrown or kicked, including people.


BUT, he is still the cutest thing.

This morning Avery was talking about her friend Bella because that was the friend she chose to have over to play. Bella's mom called to say that Bella has gotten a little shy about coming over and wanted Avery to go there instead. Avery was more than happy with this arrangement.
Anyway, Sullivan was asking all morning, "Where is Tinkerbelle? Is Tinkerbelle coming?"
I couldnt figure out what he meant. Then we pulled up to Bella's house and Avery went in and as we pulled away Sully said, "Oh. Is that Tinkerbelle's house?"
I had to stop the car I was laughing so hard. SO CUTE!

Then at lunch time I asked Sully what he wanted for lunch. He responded, "Um, how about peanut butter jelly time sandwiches?" (We sing that song a lot...)

Anyway, I am madly in love with you buddy, but if you could get through this 'cycle', I'd appreciate it!


Chris/Stew; Brenda said...

Now I only have a 3 year old boy, but that just sounds like a 3 year old boy to me! I think at this age girls are SOOO different, boys are a little rougher around the edges, but when you get those tender moments, they are that much sweeter!

Anonymous said...

I like the word "cycle". Good one, Melanie. That word makes it feel less irritating when they don't share and don't listen. Potty training gives me cold shivers down my spine. We are going to attempt this summer. Uugh.