Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A conversation with Sully today

Sully: "Mommy are you strong?"

Me: "Yes"

Sully:"Stronger than Spiderman?"

Me: "Yes, most days."

Sully: "Well not stronger than Jesus!"

Me: "Well, I cant argue with that!"


Lately he is obsessed with 'who is the strongest'. All on his own he decided that Jesus is the strongest, even stronger than super heroes. 

Love him. 


Beckysblog said...

My mom told me a story of picking up Sully from the daycare, here it goes:

Teacher: Sully, it's your grandma here to pick you up.
Sully: Yes, I have two grandmas, grandma Cindy and grandma Barb.
Teacher: Do you have a grandpa?
Sully: Yes! I have two grandpas. Grandpa Richard is in heaven with Jesus and I have grandpa Dennis.

How precious.


mama barb said...

Little people are the best at always being open and telling the open truth...he retains so much!! Love him to pieces!!