Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mother's Day Wish

A few weeks ago Lauren started asking me what I wanted for Mother's Day. I knew she wanted more of an answer than, "Just time with my family." Which is my standard answer. 

So I thought about it a lot and it hit me! EXACTLY what I wanted this year. 

I wanted Lauren to be able to ride her bike. 

Now, I realize that she is 7. But, 1. we have a tandem attachment for my bike that Lauren has always ridden on our family rides, 2. there are zero kids in our neighborhood to give her any motivation for wanting to ride and 3. Lauren is a slight chicken. 

But with the addition of child #4 to our family we NEED Lauren to be able to ride on her own so Jordan can pull the little 2 in the Burley, Avery can ride on the tandem with me and Lauren can ride on her own. 

So I told Lauren, all I wanted was for her to be able to ride her bike on her own. She and Jordan worked hard all week. 

Today I was inside and Jordan came running in to tell me that my wish had come true. 

I came out the door to see this!

She has it mastered now and has been riding all over town with Jordan tonight. Tomorrow night I said it was going to be my turn to go with her! 

We really had a great weekend. Yesterday we had Nick and Stacie, my mom and Jordan's parents over for supper and then we stayed up playing Wii with Nick and Stacie. 
Today we had cousin Shelby's graduation reception and then Kylie and Grandma Cindy came over to watch Lauren on her wheels. 
Then we were surprised to have some of our favorite people stop over to visit...Rosanna, Rebecca, Roberta and Rosanna's friend Isaiah. And we found out that Rosanna will be working at our daycare all summer! YEAH! 
Now Jordan and I are curled up on the couch to watch my Mother's Day present...The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. 

It was a great weekend and here are two of my favorite was fun to have Kylie around for awhile! 

The only downside to the weekend was Contessa's lingering fever. This is day #5 and you can imagine that she is about shot. We took her to the dr. on Saturday and she has no infection, but apparently a bad head ache and body aches. If she still has the temp in the am we will be visiting our pediatrician. She let me rock her to sleep tonight which she hasn't done since she was like 5 months old. I have to admit that I'm not hating that, but I know it means she is really not well, and I am hating that. I miss her spunk. Pray for her tonight! 

1 comment:

Trina said...

Lauren, we are so proud of you!