Saturday, May 30, 2009

My kids ROCK!

So daddy has been off doing fun things for the day, supporting his dad at Boys State Golf and golfing himself with friends this afternoon/evening. 

So I did what any sane mother would do...I scheduled Contessa's 9 month pictures (almost 2 months behind on that...), and a huge Wal-mart trip...on a day when I'd have them all, by myself. And to top it off, I schedule the pictures so that we had to leave the house by shortly after 8 this morning. Not sure what I was thinking!

I told the kids that IF they were good and IF they obeyed we would get snow cones from Tropical Snow tonight. You would have thought I promised them something much bigger! Or maybe they really are this good! (ha!)

Anyway, they were all excellent. The pictures went beautifully, I cant wait to see the proofs, the trip to Wal-mart was fairly fast and no one ran away, no one fought, no one asked for a single thing and no one complained that they were hungry. 

Now we are home and I asked for one more thing...the picure above! 

Thanks guys! I'm one lucky mommy! 

(and the snow cones were pretty good too!)


Trina said...

The events of this day seem to be a near-miracle. I must need to orient my kids to the tropical snow because it obviously has magical powers.

Sarah Guild said...

Sno cones are always that good. Always. We are so excited to see the shack prominently displayed on Main Street!