Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mrs. Lincoln's Attic

The people who designed the museum were so smart. They realized that parents would want to take their kids there, but that it could get long for them. So they created Mrs. Lincoln's Attic!
A playroom for kids. And all the playthings were things that Lincoln might have played with...well maybe Lincoln logs were created a bit later...but you get the idea!

Dressing up like a soldier!

Dressing up like Mr. Wincoln!

Lauren and Avery LOVED this part! They got to dress up in old fashioned dresses and play in the old kitchen. They could have stayed there for hours. It was a huge hit. 

The dollhouse was a replica of Lincoln's house in Springfield during his married life. 


mama barb said...

This was one of the favorite places your dad and I ever visited, am so thankful that you two not only went, But, took your children to see...Wincoln was such a man that our Lord had chosen for that time...always remember, He has placed each of us in This time for His use..

Courtney said...

that is so cool!!!

Melanie said...

that looks very very cool! I want to play too!