Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Its Tuesday?!?!

Sunday evening when I posted last feels like it was about 3 weeks ago.

I don't have much time right now but the short version is that we are at Allen Hospital. 

Tess's fever sent us to our Pediatrician on Monday and after 1.5 hours there she was diagnosed with a nasty bladder infection. Due to the high temp (103 or higher) we were admitted to the hospital. 

She's receiving IV antibiotics. She cant go home while she continues to have a fever. She had a high temp last night around 4 am and a lower temp around noon today. 

She is feeling pretty good, not great but holding her own. 

We are MORE than ready to go home. This is excruciatingly boring and long. And when I think of families in hospitals with truly sick children for weeks and months at a time, my heart is really going out to them. 
We have it easy. 

So, I'll post more about all this when we get home, hopefully tomorrow. 

For tonight, please pray for the following:
Tess's fever to stay away
Sleep for her and me!
The antibiotic to do its thing
The culture to come back so our dr. can send us home with the appropriate antibiotic.
For the testing to come in 1-2 weeks for Tess. There could be some abnormalities in her bladder and the 'tubes' that lead from the kidneys, which could be causing this...apparently a bladder infection in a baby is pretty rare. We want this to be a fluke...not a sign of something more going on. Also, pray for normal kidney function. Also, a worry. 


Becky and Contessa, the cutest little baby on the pediatric floor. 


Courtney said...

wow. i'll be praying!!! for ALL of you!!! and for all those requests...

Happilyoutnumbered said...

Poor baby! You guys are in my thoughts...I hope little Tess starts feeling better soon and you can be at home where you belong!

The Siegerts said...

We are praying for you, Tess, and the rest of your family!

angie said...

Praying for all of you, Becky!!

Melanie said...

just heard from Becky and they are coming home right now! yeah!!

trista said...

Oh, Been There! PRAYERS!!!