Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

I will admit to loving Mother's Day. 

I think that as a whole we mothers, and women in general, are pretty hard on ourselves. On most days I could give you a rather long list of all my failures for the day. And when I look at my motherhood record that list could go on and on with failures and inconsistencies. 

But on Mother's Day I have a different focus. I allow myself to consider my victories and my accomplishments as a mother. And when I do that I am happy to discover that there is a quite a long list of those as well. 

Lauren, Avery, Sullivan and Contessa,
I was given my greatest gifts when God gave me the responsibility and honor to be your mother. You are my greatest joys and you are what makes my heart beat. I love you each with all my being. Never doubt the happiness that you bring to my life on a daily basis. 
I love you.

(Yes, Miss Contessa is missing...the poor thing is on her FIFTH day of fever...which is why I actually have time to blog right now, she and I are home from church.)

1 comment:

Cassie said...

so sweet. and i love that photo!!