Monday, September 27, 2010

Dunning Springs

The highlight of the trip was Dunning Springs.
The kids remembered it from previous visits and couldn't wait.
We spent most of our time here.

Its just a big waterfall but its so much fun for the kids...playing in the water, throwing stuff in the water, hiking, and searching for treasures.

Sullivan was in boy paradise!

As soon as the van was turned off Sully and Avery were gone.
Jordan had to race to catch up to them.

He didn't stop moving the whole time we were there.

And Avery didn't stop climbing. She is my adventurous one.
She would have climbed to the very very top if we hadn't stopped her!

Lauren just loving being outside. She loved seeing everything there was to see!
And she's like practically a teenager.

When Avery stopped climbing I found her doing this.
Deep in thought.
I wish I knew what she was thinking.

And there was absolutely no trusting these two.
I wonder what would have happened to them if we had just let them go.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

looks like SUCH a perfect family day!