Monday, September 20, 2010

One year, NFL, popping and one of us needs a bubble

Cousin Jackson turns one today and yesterday we all got to help him celebrate.

Its hard to believe a whole year has passed!
Lauren was by his side for much of the day. I think she is going to love her new sibling!

Contessa was by Adele's side for much of the day.
Hmmmm, not sure Adele appreciated all the attention!

But she willingly sat on my lap and didn't look too happy about that either so maybe
she didn't mind Tess that much!?

It was an NFL party so we were all asked to dress in football gear.
Pretty cute!

And here's the two of us at the party who were ready to pop.
Trina's being induced on Thursday!
She looked awesome!
I played the part of a dolphin (beached whale) quite well.

And that brings us to Monday.
I was outside with the kids trimming bushes while they played.
I had no idea Tess was next to me.
I pulled the hedge clipper back and the next thing I knew she was screaming.
And there was blood EVERYWHERE!
A quick trip to the dr. revealed a scratch on the outside and a little deeper cut on the inside of the lip. But overall a very lucky little girl who didn't even need stitches.
You can barely see the scratch on the outside in this picture.
I'm trying to decide which one of us I should place in a bubble...

1 comment:

Courtney said...

am i the only one that thinks adele looks like tess in the picture of the 2 of them together? i mean, like tess when she was a baby?