Monday, September 27, 2010

Pulpit Rock

The first place we visited in Decorah was 'Pulpit Rock'
Its basically a hike straight up the side of a cliff to reach a really cool look out point with a rock formation that looks like a pulpit - hence, Pulpit Rock - which I somehow did not take a picture of!

The kids were so excited to start hiking.
I'm always impressed with their hiking skills - they never complain that it is too hard or that they are tired. They are better than me!

At this point we had reached the start of the rock formation and it has steps...which you might think would be easier than the wooded trail but somehow, its not.
Jordan really tried to talk me out of doing this entire hike but I couldn't miss seeing the kids up there. I plan to head back to Decorah in about 3 weeks to put myself right into labor!

At the top!

Tess insisted on walking almost the entire thing!
Little Miss Independent!

The walk down was scarier. I was sure one of them was going to get hurt.

But we all survived!

1 comment:

Ellie said...

What a beautiful view! Love fun family days like that :) And WAY impressed with your hiking skills. Geez, I could barely walk through Adventureland at 9 months pregnant!