Sunday, September 26, 2010

Family FUN Day!

Our weekends are dwindling...soon the weather will be against us.
And soon we will feel a little more tied to the house because of a
certain little one we cant wait to meet!

So we declared this beautiful day - Family Fun Day!
Jordan always comes up with these plans and I follow along.
He is such a great dad.
And it may end up going down as the most beautiful day of the fall!

We surprised the kids and headed a couple of hours north to Decorah to spend the day.

These are the days that lifelong memories are made.

When your kids thank you repeatedly and each say, 'this is the best day EVER' several know you've done a good thing!

This is how I remember my childhood. Racing around state parks and wooded areas with my brothers - finding treasures, trouble and more.

Oh, you four if only we could express how much we love you.
I hope today - the smiles on our faces and the joy in our laughter showed you
that you are the best thing that has ever happened to us.

We love you and these days will be some that we will never forget!
We hope you don't either!
Serious sweetness!

(beware - the pictures to come over the next day or so will be ridiculous in number!)


Ellie said...

How fun! Can't wait to see the pictures :)

Happilyoutnumbered said...

What a fun time! I love days like that! And I have found as the kids get older and busier, they are fewer and farther between.

What a great picture...can't wait to see more!