Thursday, September 02, 2010

Preschool, Go Cyclones, Surgery

Today was the last, first day of preschool that Sully will ever have.
He was so excited for this...he wore his backpack for about a half hour waiting
for me to say - 'lets go!'

Next year, Kindergarten.
Did I just type that?

But I've chosen not to think about any of the above - for today.
He's just going on a walk with daddy.
Just an innocent walk around the block.

Instead of thinking about that I am thinking about tonight!
Tonight Sully gets to attend his first EVER ISU Football game.
Jordan, Lauren, Sully and I are going.
I'm pretty excited as well - just to focus on two kids and give them a great time.

He's just a smidge excited.
And by smidge I mean more excited than anyone has ever been for anything.

And another completely different note - tomorrow is Lauren's surgery.
We head to CR after the game so we can be in Iowa City first thing Friday morning.
Please pray for all of our nerves and for the doctor's who I will hand her over to.
She is mostly concerned about having an IV - so you can specifically pray that her anxiety with that will be lessened.
I'm assuming there will be wifi at the hospital so I hope to update as the day goes.

Happy Thursday!


brenda said...

so! never a dull moment in the Dirks family :) Just want you to know I'm praying for you all - and I may have a tip about the needles (you may know this) - but we have found that being well hydrated and WARM, really helps with most needle issues (more success when the veins are 'larger') - and when they use the alcohol swab, wave your hand over it to be sure it is dry before the needle poke - it is the alcohol that stings (don't blow, that's kinda like spitting ;D )~ anyway, enjoy the game - rest well and know you're in my prayers

Ellie said...

Go clones! And we will be thinking of you tomorrow.

Happilyoutnumbered said...

Thinking of you tomorrow....good luck, Lauren!

yoderyears said...

Lauren is correct in being most concerned about IV's. They are the worst!
It was a good game for you guys last night. Bet Sully loved it!

And....Go Hawks!