Saturday, October 09, 2010

First Goal!

So after that emotional disaster this morning I headed off to a nearby town with
the kids for Avery's soccer game.

Jordan stayed behind to get started on the garage painting project that my brothers were gathering for at my mom's house.

And wouldn't you know it...

Avery scored HER FIRST GOAL!!!!!

Her coach made such a huge deal out of her and I will admit I was about crying (seriously with these pregnancy emotions!)
She was so excited to come home and tell Jordan.

She got a big high five!

And a hug - Jordan felt SOOOO bad for missing this!

And then she told him about it and he told her how proud he was.

And that was where I about lost it again.
In the span of 2.5 hours she took me from a real low in parenting -
to a real high in parenting.

And both times daddy was knelt down talking it through with her.

Parenting isn't for the faint of heart.

And now I'm off to figure out how I am ever going to appropriately parent this child.

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