Monday, October 04, 2010

weekend recap

Another weekend has was very full.
Here are some of the highlights.

Jordan started out Saturday morning by getting the girls up before the sun.
He wanted them to see how the Big Dipper looks different in the sky at 6:00 am
than it does at 8:00 pm.
Lauren was really excited about it.
Avery, not so much.
I was still snuggled in my warm bed.
And yeah, he's the best dad.

When the sun did come up we all went to Avery's soccer game.
(pictures in another post)
Contessa kept herself entertained by telling some very intense stories to Grandma Cindy...

and to me. I just love her expressions.

After the soccer game the kids and I went to my brother Joe's for the weekend.
He turns 30 in November and Amy had planned a surprise birthday party for him for this weekend!
It was lots of fun.
And we stayed the night so we could go to church with them and listen to Joe preach.
My kids think it is so cool that Uncle Joe is a Pastor!
Tess sat in the pew next to me giggling and saying, "Joe's up there talking!" so cute.

We left daddy at home to tackle part of my 'nesting list'.
I am happy to report that many items were checked off and I think we will actually be prepared for little #5's arrival!

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