Sunday, October 17, 2010


I've arrived at the stage of pregnancy that I like to call ' complete insanity and unreasonableness'. I've reached it with each pregnancy and its always when I get to the point where I can say, 'I could have this baby ANY DAY!' and where the contractions start getting more real and regular.

The stage is characterized by irrational needs to have EVERY. SINGLE. BIT. OF. LAUNDRY. COMPLETE. AT. EVERY. MOMENT. OF. THE. DAY., to keep every toy not currently being touched put away, every bed made, every cupboard stocked, every spot in the fridge stocked or the grocery list to fill said spots made, everyone in the house needs a hair cut, a flu shot and a bath and their nails clipped, we need to have enough toilet paper stashed away to last until at least 2012.
And its also characterized by me having a very mean and short temper.
I reached this stage today and its not been pretty.

It means I am a chicken with my head cut off and there are children hiding and whispering and a husband rolling his eyes and walking away.

And seriously...what? do I think that once I leave for the hospital I wont come back for 5 weeks? do I really think that once we bring the baby home we wont leave the house for months? WHAT IS WITH ME?

But rest assured that within a few days time this stage will be replaced by the one I like to call, 'the total and complete inability to move off the couch and the inability to care about ANYTHING other than sitting completely still'.
This stage is characterized by kids being told to wear dirty socks, eat cereal for every meal and to spray some lysol on themselves before walking out the door. And a husband who would give anything for a home cooked meal and a wife who doesn't resemble one of those people who have to be removed from their houses by a crane.

Baby, you need to come out soon and put us all out of our misery.

ok, enough to wash a load of probably 12 socks.


Trina said...

Becky, you are crazy...what's wrong with cereal for supper every night??

Courtney said... are so right! all those stages! and we always feel like we'll "never" do any of that stuff (grocery shop, laundry, clean) for forever! but we're back at it days later...

know that i'm praying for you and thinking of you often!

Choose Joy said...

I like this stage...I have laughed out loud at several of your recent posts. Perhaps its because I can relate.

Choose Joy said...

Oh, and if you require a crane to move you out of your us, my son would love to see that:)

Tisha said...

You ARE right!! How funny. The unreasonableness that goes along with last minute nesting is crazy! But the urges are so real. Can't wait to meet your baby!!

mama barb said...

For poor JD and the children's sakes, I pray this one comes very soon!!! She is getting scary!!!!!

mama barb

Ellie said... are hysterical. And I can relate to the crazy lady antics. Especically the laundry thing!!