Monday, October 25, 2010

Hospital Time

I've been having trouble finding 'computer time' since we got home.
Go figure!

But I vow to get some things up about our time in the hospital and my version of Torrance's
birth story soon!
We'll start with hospital pics.

First of all there is nothing Jordan and I love more than staying in the hospital together in the days after having a baby. We owe a huge thanks to our mom's for taking all of the other kids and giving us this great gift! We really appreciated every second of our time.

This was the first time Jordan held Torrance.
He was beaming. I love that.

And he maintained his streak.
Five kids and I never once changed a diaper in the hospital.

This was our nurse Sara. She was also our nurse when we had Contessa!
It was so fun to get reacquainted and to spend time with her again.
The OB floor was slow while we were there so we were her favorite/only patients...we took advantage of her undivided attention. I kind of wish we could have brought her home with us!


Ellie said...

Becky you look beautiful in that picture!

yoderyears said...

You always look wonderful, Becky but how did you do that...look so beautiful after just having a baby? You are truly amazing!
You were made to be a mama...awesome.

And, what a great guy you have there! Way to go, Jordan!

Melissa said...

You look amazing Becky, such sweet pictures. I went to high school with your nurse and she wasn't my nurse but she was working one of the days that I was in the hospital and she is amazing!!

Shannon/Jodi said...

Macklin is 7 weeks old and I still haven't found time to blog.

You have a beautiful family. God has blessed you greatly.