Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cassie visits!

Some friends you can go months without seeing...

Then when you get the chance to see each other they walk into your house like you see each other everyday, grab your newborn out of your arms, hold her the entire time and provide awesome conversation and laughter.

Then when they leave the house seems empty and you realize just how much you'd been missing them.

That's my Cassie!
Thank you for a great visit today - it was not nearly long enough!
And sorry that I only offered you a cheese stick and water while you were here!


Andrea Dellit said...

Friend visits are the best :)

Jennie Peakin said...

She totally needs another baby. :)

Courtney said...


mama barb said...

Trust me, with some it is the same even after 45 years...

mama barb

Lisa Borglum said...

She is a one of a kind friend. We are so lucky to have her!! Thanks for getting her over on this side of the state!!