Monday, November 01, 2010

Spoken for me

These words seemed to be spoken just for me. Our Pastor brought them to us as part of this week's sermon

Phillipians 2:4-5
Look not every man onto his own things, but every man on the things of others.
Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus.

Translation - Its not about me. When I'm 'burdened' by the needs of my children I need to remember that I am called to meet their needs. Christ set aside His own needs for mine. He sacrificed the ultimate for me. The least I can do is joyful serve my children as they spill juice, wipe messy hands on furniture, and leave messes in every corner. I'm called to respond with grace and love and help them correct the 'messes'...not scold them and talk to them unlovingly.

Yeah, that part of the message was just for me this week.


yoderyears said...

Thanks for sharing! Me, too.

Unknown said...

Amen! That's so true. We think it's all about us, and "Why do I have to do this?" But what a great comparison to think that Christ set aside what he wanted for our needs, and he does daily as we make stupid mistakes He has to deal with. Makes cleaning up spilled milk not so bad! Thanks for sharing!