Thursday, November 04, 2010

what i love...what i hate

what i love:
that the sound of my voice alone can calm Torrance
that last night at 4:30 am she smiled at me. And if you think thats impossible - well, you are wrong.

what i hate:
setting the clocks back - in high school & college i thought it was SO cool - gaining an hour! Now I understand it is a cruel joke on parents of young children!


Meghan said...

It is totally a mean, cruel joke for parents of young kids. Ugh is right!

Tisha said...

I agree! Daylight savings is NOT nice.
But baby smiles at 4:30 am are.

Sarah Guild said...

I remember the year Jonathan turned one and it was daylight savings night. I was really ticked when he was up at 5:30am... that was when I knew the night of extra sleep wouldn't be extra sleep for me, again, for a very long time.