Tuesday, November 30, 2010

a little guessing game

Guess who??????

- has skin too sensitive for Baby Magic lotion, has icky baby acne and is sooooooo snuggly?

- puts the baby magic onto her baby's clothes instead of her sensitive skin cause she NEEDS to smell it and who cooked a real meal for the first time in 5.5 weeks today?

- has a cold and only wants to snuggle and hug today, oh and fight with her big brother?

- has the same cold but REFUSED to miss school and who is reading SO great and who is very excited/nervous for her first school music program on Thursday night?

- really wants to play 'winter wipeout' and has been staring out the window today wishing the snow would fall and who apparently has a crush on a certain Melissa and a certain Lucy in his class?

- aced her social studies and math tests this week and who is SO excited for Rosanna's wedding next weekend that she keeps walking around the house 'practicing'?

- had to go back to work today after a long Thanksgiving break and almost had his wife ask him to quit his job so he could just stay home full time with us and who is FINALLY feeling almost back to normal after some complications from his 'procedure' a couple weeks ago?

Answers in order: Torrance, me, Tess, Avery, Sullivan, Lauren, Jordan

And for some reason...that was really fun for me.


Tisha said...

That was fun. :)

Jennie Peakin said...

I liked that! I may have to copy that fun little post idea sometime! :)

Amy said...

Uh oh. Complications?? My hubby won't like hearing that! (I don't think I'll tell him!)

Beth said...

I could totally see this working its way into a Christmas card with just a little spin. You are so clever, my friend. :)

Courtney said...

that was so fun!