Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Due date! And my story...

Today is my due date!

I've never made it to my due date. The closest I've gotten was one week out - with Tess.

I'll say that I cannot imagine still being pregnant right now! I am very thankful to not be pregnant!

I thought I'd take this opportunity to recount my version of Torrance's birth. Before I forget!

I had a dr.'s appointment on Thursday the 21st. I didn't feel great. Mostly a headache. I came home and went to bed afterwards.

I went to bed early that night but woke up at 1 am and was up for good. The headache was bad. Like the kind where you cant even lay your head on your pillow because it hurts so badly.

At 8 sharp I called the dr. to tell them they had to help this headache! The receptionist told me that my dr. was in surgery but that I should see if I could get my blood pressure taken. So I started on that and about 45 minutes later the office called back and said that my dr. was worried because my blood pressure was high at my appointment the day before and I should just come on over to labor and delivery.

This news started a mild emotional breakdown for me! Suddenly I wasn't ready! I wanted one more weekend with the kids and I wanted to get a million things done! I called Jordan panicking at work. He calmed me down, mom took the kids and off we went.

They monitored me for awhile and my blood pressure was quite high and my dr. said he could not send me home...instead I'd be having a baby that day!

He induced me with 'the goo' as Jordan likes to call it around 1 pm. By 1:30 my contractions were strong and very not fun!

Jordan did great. He really is a wonderful coach. After 5 times he knows when to encourage me and when to just keep quiet and let me squeeze his hand. I cant imagine going through all that without him.

At 3 I got my epidural. And given my history of very fast deliveries the dr. gave me a 'jump start' in my epidural. Well, long story short on that one - you could have driven a knife into my leg and I would not have been able to feel it!

Somehow I was able to push. Jordan saw the head first and said, Becky, there's lots of hair!
That gave me a lot of motivation!

Another push and Torrance Reagan was born.

When they announced that she was a girl I was shocked. I was SURE we were having a boy. Just sure.

I heard her crying and I looked at Jordan and said, 'I didnt know how much we needed her to be a girl!' And Jordan whispered, 'That's what I've been telling you!' And we were both crying. That was my favorite moment. And also the moment when my heart felt complete.

2 girls, 1 boy, 2 girls. Our family. Complete. The family we have always dreamed of and prayed about.

I would have been thrilled to give Sully a brother. But I realized at that moment that I would not have felt complete. Somehow this fit. And I guess that's one of the beauties of God's plan. It is perfect. And He lets us know it. And I am so excited to see the relationship that Jordan and Sullivan will have in the midst of all these girls! I know it will be amazing for me to watch. And as Jordan says - we have your family Becky - just a little smaller and the opposite! Instead of 3 boys, 1 girl, 3 boys we have 2 girls, 1 boy, 2 girls!

After delivery I just wanted to savor every moment. Not forget anything. Hold on to all the memories.

We had the sweetest time in the hospital over the next few days. Just the three of us mostly. And I loved it. Our nurses were amazing. They treated us like royalty I swear. And I never wanted to leave. I actually did cry leaving the OB floor. Knowing I wouldnt be going back. Knowing that a chapter was closing. And its a good thing. And I know that. But still hard and bittersweet!

Now her name. Torrance Reagan was a name on our list ever since we were pregnant with Avery. But it never fit. This time it fit. Torrance is different, we know. We will call her Tori some. Reagan is after one of favorite presidents...and I think my dad would have really liked that!

Now that we've had Torrance for almost 2 weeks I dont remember life without her. How does that happen so quickly? Life is crazy, I wont lie. It feels like a huge whirlwind. But I wouldnt change it.

And my prayer as I start each morning is for God to help me to savor every single moment of these early weeks with her. To cherish it and hold on tight. Because I'm going to blink and she will be 6 months old. Or worse...10 years old.

These days are so very very short. And I have so very very much to be thankful for while I am living in them!


Courtney said...

SO precious! thanks for sharing!!!

abby said...

Congratulations Becky!! What a beautiful family...I can't imagine how busy you must be...but with a full heart ;)

Jamie J said...

You are both adorable!!

Choose Joy said...

Why does your blog make me cry? I love it! Motherhood is the best.