Monday, November 22, 2010

How's it going with FIVE?

How is it going? Well, Torrance is 1 month old today and I've been asked by a lot of people, 'how is it going? are we finding a groove? getting back to normal?'

I would have to say that its going quite well. Some days, hours, minutes are a struggle, I wont lie. The first 3 weeks were killer...I was dealing with pregnancy hormones and was just weepy way more than I would have cared to be. Also raising my voice way more than anyone would have liked.

But we are getting there. Torrance is really being a great baby. She naps well, and some nights sleeps in 4-6 hour stretches and is pretty content and easy to console. She loves to hear our voices and to be snuggled close. She is starting to like to stare around the room and I think she might just be trying to put faces with these crazy voices she has been hearing for the past months inuetero!

Tess is adjusting. She still has her moments where she panics and thinks I have left. Dropping her off for church nursery and my playgroup nursery is not fun. She has never cared if I left her before. She has loved nursery and other kids. But now she is terrified and screams, 'Mommy, I need you, I want you.' I wont lie that is probably the hardest thing I am trying to deal with!
Mornings are another struggle. Its just a lot. I'm usually groggy after a night of less than great sleep, I need to get Lauren and Avery fed and off to school and I know that any minute I'm going to be dealing with the needs of the 4 year old, 2 year old and infant.

I am learning (AGAIN) that I need to let some things go. Seriously, if you saw my house right now you would probably say that yeah...I have let some things go! God is teaching me (AGAIN) that my job is not to keep the house picked up and the laundry job is to raise these FIVE children for Him. To train them daily through my attitudes and actions!

Evenings are going much better and we are enjoying our time to stare at our precious Torrance and the kids truly do just adore her.

Again, Lauren is a huge help and most afternoons I am really not sure what I would do without her.

The thing that struck me recently, which you'd think would be obvious, is that there are now FIVE kids with needs. FIVE sets of clothes for each day, FIVE kids to bundle, FIVE kids to pay attention to and FIVE to listen to intently and FIVE sets of eyes to be sure I stare into daily and FIVE kids to fight amoungst themselves!

But I'm also reminded that I now have FIVE sets of arms that wrap around my neck each day, FIVE mouths that say, 'I love you mommy' quite frequently, FIVE warm bodies lined up on the couch during movie night and FIVE hearts that I get to fill with love each day.

We are blessed - there is no doubt. We have FIVE healthy, happy kids to enjoy and love. And with each addition to our family the love has multiplied. Watching them together fills me up.

So is it crazy here right now? Yes. Are there days I want to be 12 and back home in my mom's house where she will take care of me and protect me from these FIVE? yep.

Are there nights when I would give anything to have it just be me and Jordan on the couch together for a few hours? Uh, yeah.

But this is a very short season with a newborn and her young siblings...and I dont want to miss these moments so I am focusing on the blessings of my FIVE and taking day by day.

Sometimes minute by minute!


Unknown said...

Wow! I could only imagine. I'm so happy you are able to stay home with you children. It's a wonderful blessing. I wish I could be closer to help you out, but I'm glad you at least have Barb! You are a strong woman and I admire you! Maybe some day I'll be able to experience what you are. But if we'll see if we get that daring! :-) Love you all!

Courtney said...

wow! sounds like you are doing great...