Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lauren's 'Beauty Day' Party!

Yesterday we had Lauren's 'friend' birthday party.
Long about September I realized that I would have a newborn at the time of Lauren's birthday...I started racking my brain because I wanted to do something fun to celebrate this awesome kid but I knew it needed to be relatively work free for me!

And so I begged my beautician to do this for us.
Ok, I didn't beg, she agreed right away and was excited to do it.

Lauren didn't know I'd decorated the beauty shop.
She walked in and saw this along the check out counter and was SO thrilled.
She said, 'Oh I love it Mommy! Thank you!'
And then she looked at the signs and said, 'Now those look like Grandma Cindy!'
I confessed, yes, Grandma did make the signs!

Each of the girls got their hair & nails done.

Lauren even invited Avery.

Lauren all done!

nail time!

Avery was terrified of the curling iron!
I think she is actually praying for protection in this picture.

Nail time was much less stressful for her.

This was a really fun group of girls.
And SO adorable.

After the beauty shop we went back to our house for cake and ice cream.
Lauren was just so happy!

Blowing out the candles on her 9th birthday!


Andrea Dellit said...

What a great idea! I'm going to have to remember all of your cool tips and tricks when we enter parenthood. The girls look beautiful!

Courtney said...


D G Curren said...

I love how Lauren invited Avery! So so special!