Wednesday, February 23, 2011

4 months to the day

Charlee and Tori are 4 months to the day apart in age.

4 months.

So how is it that my peanut looks like a GIANT next to her?
And, no surprise, this picture has me really depressed.
Seriously is it even possible to grow that much in 4 months?


yoderyears said...

How is that even possible?!?!?
Torrance is sooo big.
Didn't I just see her???

Beckysblog said...

Mandy, are you trying to make me cry?

I mean seriously, you know I'm teetering on the brink!

Meghan said...

Oh my, when you told me I thought you were kinda kidding, but you werent. If you want to come over and put Torrance next to Gracyn you can..then I will cry.

Courtney said...

that's pretty crazy!

trista said...

I honestly just gasped a big OH MY! I hope I don't make you cry?!?! Charlee will be that big in 4 months too. It's insane how quickly they grow. I don't think we ever get over that.

Lisa Borglum said...

Oh my goodness! You don't realize how much they grow until you compare them to a newborn. I am keeping Hadley away from all newborns......

Anonymous said...

AMAZING! and totally not fair how fast they grow!!