Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday, Sullivan Joseph!


He's FIVE!

Just writing that and looking in these blue eyes of his has me in tears.
I remember forbiding this.
Several times.
But somehow he went ahead and turned the big FIVE.
Five is a big birthday. Its like a big line they cross and become 'big'. Both in their eyes and in mine.
Its fun. And I hate it.
Like normal.
Sully you are my boy. You are the twinkle in my eye.
You are my answer to prayer. You are my joy.
Often you are my gray hairs, my wrinkles, my tears and my high blood pressure.
I love you for stretching me and for forcing me to give a little more when I think there is nothing left to give.

I prayed for you for the longest time before I even knew your name.
I imagined you before I knew what your blue blue eyes would look like.
And I heard you in my dreams before I ever heard your boisterous laugh.
You make me wnat to get out of bed every morning and you make me want to drop into bed every night.
I thank you for teaching me what having a son means.
I love you for being the only boy in this wild house of girls.
I pray for you as you grow up surrounded by your bossy sisters.

You are our Sullivan Joseph and we are so thankful.

All our love Sully on your fifth birthday...
all. our. love.


Cassie said...

happy birthday sully!!!!!

D G Curren said...

Happy Birthday Sully!

Meghan said...

Happy Birthday Sully! Kaden was so excited to learn that you are 5 just like him now! :) Have a great day.

mama barb said...

You make my heart smile and be happy and I am so glad to have another boy in the mix....

mama barb