Monday, February 28, 2011

I guess we're due...

We've had a very healthy winter.
And I've been so grateful for that.

But I guess we were due...

Tess got sick last Wednesday. She seemed better by Saturday.
Then Sunday night her fever came back...and her sore throat.
Sully's fever hit Sunday evening. It was high...103.8 at one point.
Very sore throat and headache.
They are pretty good as long as there is a steady drip of motrin & tylenol in their systems.
I'm pretty sure it would be impossible...but I am
REALLY hoping the baby can get through this unscathed.

Spring oh Spring where art thou?!


D G Curren said...

We are in the same boat. Been praying for the Dirks'!

Anonymous said...

So cute that Sully fell asleep with that toy in his hand! Praying for a quick recovery!!!