Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I just walked past my kitchen counter and saw that half of it was clean.

Directly in the center was my washcloth...and everything to the right was filthy. I stopped right in the middle of the task. Just left it and went onto another.

Its the story of my life these days.


I get to pay attention to half of the things I want to, listen to half of the stories from the kids I want to and cuddle half the amount of time I want to. My house is a COMPLETE mess. I spend way less than half the time I want to with Jordan...ugh. I have zero time to myself. The only thing I seem to be able to do 100% is complain in my head!!!! UGH!


hate it.

I know its going to pass...Torrance is getting easier and easier, spring is coming, summer will follow closely behind, we have so many funny things just sitting on the horizon.

But MAN! Right now I just CANNOT get ahead of the game.

And I dont want to spend my life waiting for the horizon. I want to be the type that lives in the moment. So I'm off to work on that today.

But half of me will probably be focusing on tomorrow.