Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Science Center of Iowa

If we accomplished one thing on our get away it was ensuring that the kids were tired upon our return! Its 8:20 and they are all still asleep after going to bed just after 7:30 last night!

The kids' favorite parts of the trip were swimming in the hotel, staying up late watching movies, eating lots of snacks, going out for supper, getting pizza at the hotel, running up and down the hallways of the hotel and using the elevator, eating breakfast at the know all those things that are just so fun as a kid!

We also went to the Science Center and the Capitol Building.
And we had lots of fun there too...but really I think the hotel would have been enough for the kids. They told us thank you so many times that I was about to tell them they could stop being so grateful.

Here we are about to enter the Science Center. And I believe Jordan had told them all to hug me. Its kind of scary to see 4 kids run at you full speed! But I love how happy I am in this picture.

Ready for the Science Center!

One of the highlights is making your own paper rocket and then seeing whose flies the farthest.
Of course Mr. Perfectionist takes forever on his and the kids get rather impatient.
Oh wait, that's me. I get rather impatient!

Seriously Dad, lets go!

Still waiting....

Ready to launch.
And I'm happy to report that Avery and I won!

We worked together to build this arch.

But knocking it over on Avery was more fun!

This contraption is full of air that blows balls all through the maze.
But Sullivan thought it was for playing basketball.
He shot at these 'hoops' forever. I had to drag him away.


Courtney said...

LOVE that first pic of you! so happy!

D G Curren said...

Looks like fun and I love how all your outfits coordinate, well except Jordan's. He must have missed the memo.