Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Dr.'s report

It was family dr.'s visit day around here.
Sully and Torrance had well child appts. And Jordan and Sully needed to be checked out for the sickness going around. Tess and I went along. (Tess is FINALLY acting like herself this afternoon.)

Jordan and Sully got the influenza ruling but Jordan also got an antibiotic...I think because of the possibility of it leading into a sinus infection which he is prone too. Sully's temperature has been over 103 for a couple days now...I am hoping he'll start to show improvement tomorrow.

Torrance showed off beautifully for our dr. She giggled and cooed and told him quite a story. They just sat and stared at each other laughed for a few minutes. She is quite a charmer let me tell you!

She's looking as perfect as ever...about 50th% for everything. We are ready to start food.

Jordan was traumatized by the vaccinations. He hasn't witnessed any since Lauren was a baby! The look on his face was total hatred of the nurse...he and Torrance shared the same reaction! However Torrance seems to have recovered and Jordan may never fully recover. Oh daddies and their little girls!

Here's how all our kids have stacked up at this age:
Tori at 4 mo. 13 lbs 12 ou., 24 1/4 inches
Tess at 4 mo. 13 lbs 15 ou., 25 inches
Sully at 4 mo. 15 lb 11 oz, 27 inches
Avery at 4 mo. 12 lb 9 oz, 24 1/4 inches
Lauren at 4 mo. 14 lb 11 oz, 25 3/4 inches

Here's to health and the first day of March!!!!!!

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