Monday, March 21, 2011

ugh and ick

somedays i really feel like im failing miserably at this whole mothering thing.

like today

i have a bad head cold. my head is in a vice grip and i have a fever and chills.

I want to cry and crawl in bed and have my own mommy take care of me.

but im 34 and i have 5 kids. so suck it up girl.

so i make it till 3:30 pretty well.

then the older 3 come home. Avery says, mommy, can I have alone time with you tonight? And right after that sully says, mommy will you please play legos with me and instantly after that the baby starts crying on the monitor. and i feel like the worst mom in the world cause i have to get the baby and the other two are going to be told no again...and I havent even said hi to Lauren and 5 minutes before they all walked in the door Tess had asked me to color with her.

I have to say 'no' a lot.

its hard.

somedays are so much better than some others

and i know im going to miss these days with all my heart...which makes the days when i want to give in just that much harder.

seriously calgon take me far far away. my kids deserve a much better mommy today.


Courtney said...

i'm with you.
and i'm not even sick!

Trina said...

Moms should not be allowed to get sick. Get better soon!

Ellie said...

Sorry you aren't feeling the best. I swear it is almost worse when the mom is sick than when the kids are. Seriously.

I have those days ALL the time. And I only have 2 kids! I say "no" all the time. And only one of mine can speak!

I know what you're saying though and tomorrow it's a new day......

Cassie said...

best mom ever created for those babies.
love you so much.
feel better.

Sarah Guild said...

I am sure that my most significant lessons about the Gospel from my parents were in some of their humble, less "perfect" times. Your kids are blessed to have you because you know Jesus. Even when you are sick. Feel better soon!