Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday and random

I'm back to bullet points...

* Went to bed last night with the start of a migraine. Woke up to a bad one. Melanie wisely suggested I start charting these because I've had a lot lately. I blame barometric pressure, remaining pregnancy hormones and allergies. But yeah, she's right, these last two have been ridiculous. I need to keep track of them.

* Attended a 'No Wa-Wa Beach Party' at Venengas today. The kids had a total blast. Jen - thank you - it was such a fun time for the kids and moms! The proof that I am not feeling well - I didnt even take my camera...and there were many fun photo opps.

* Lauren and Avery's flower girl dresses arrived today. I cried when they put them on. Lauren's is black - she looks 16 and beautiful in it. Avery's is cream - she looks beyond precious in it.

* Torrance has officially found her voice. Wow, she is a talker. Adorable. And loud.

* 15 years ago tonight Jordan and were in Florida for spring break. It was a little different than our spring break now! Where has 15 years gone?

* I think my hair is finally starting to stop falling out. FINALLY.

* Torrance is not a fan of baby food or cereal. By the look on her face you would think I'm trying to make her eat a Starburst. Funny.

* We went to the park and on a walk last night - without coats!

* March Madness is fun - Charles Barkley as an announcer is not. Go away.

* My husband is hilarious. I love it that he makes me laugh about stupid things all the time.

* I talked to my brother on the phone tonight and somehow I started talking about people digging the 'root of a zit' out of their head. Seriously. That was when I stopped the conversation and told him I was on way too many migraine drugs to be talking on the phone. Then we both laughed and laughed. Apparently I also should not be blogging. Wow. Someone take that computer away from that woman!

* Migraines = torture. Migraines plus 5 kids = just shoot me.

* My new prayer is for God to give me peace about my kids getting older. For Him to help me relish in each new phase. That I wont spend my days longing for the days that just passed...but that I will spend my days thankful for the time we have. And seeing the awesomeness in each new age. And truly older kids are FUN. Lauren and Avery are simply FUN and SO much less physical work! :) But, I know I'm going to struggle with it. I know that. And I want to be ready for the new types of work that come with these new stages and ages and not be pining away for the past and end up missing important moments. So I'm starting my prayers for it early. And I'm already seeing some results. I'm putting away the babyseats that a certain almost 5 month old has already outgrown...and truly, I'm not sad. They take up a lot of space and getting the out of here is good! See - progress! Aren't you proud?

* Its 8:30 and I'm going to bed.


Ellie said...

We just commented on how BAD Charles Barkley is. He really does need to go away....or it's gonna be a long tourney. I hope your headache is better tonight!

D G Curren said...

Isaiah 43:18-19

I meditate on that one a lot.

Courtney said...

um. your second to last point? yes. SO with you...

Andrea said...

Hope you start to feeling better soon! Whose wedding are the girls in?

Beckysblog said...

My brother Robert's!