Wednesday, March 09, 2011

oh my babies

I've had some requests to see the kids pictures from the same age...
so here they are all between the ages of 3 and 4 months.
And just looking through all their photos did some really strange things to my heart!

Lauren Elaine

Avery Elizabeth

Sullivan Joseph
(there are no words to describe my love for this picture)

Contessa Caroline

Torrance Reagan
Tell me who you think looks alike!

I was surprised to find that there are many pictures of
Lauren at different stages that are SO Tess. And I see a lot of Torrance there too.
But overall I'm still saying she looks like Sully - but with Avery's face shape.

1 comment:

yoderyears said...

There is definately a similiar look with Sullivan and Torrance. And, as much as Avery and Tess look alike now...I think at that age, I can see some of Lauren in Tess.

All I know is that you have 5 great looking kids!!!