Sunday, June 19, 2011


This was one of those weekends that just left me my life is completely CHARMED.
I look back and think...truly, I am so blessed.
So happy, so loved, so busy, so full, so in love, so surrounded by love, so full of fun and laughter.

I'm not sure it gets better.

So I've compiled a list of all the charmed pieces of my weekend and life.

* It was Father's Day weekend & Jordan played in a golf tournament all day on Saturday.
The kids did not like this. So while he was gone we came up with 'Daddypalooza'
We spent our day baking, wrapping decorating and talking about daddy.
They had a blast and were ready to attack him when he arrived home.
My favorite part was sitting at the table with them while they listed off the reasons why their dad is the greatest. It went on for a very long time...I said nothing...just wrote down everything they said. It was priceless and precious and Jordan said tonight that he will keep that list for the rest of his life.

*Today he opened his gifts. I let the kids each choose something they thought he'd really like.
Sully decided on Wheaties.
Ok, weird. But adorable.
And Jordan was thrilled.

*My kids have an amazing Father. I know that is not something to take lightly.
He demonstrates kindness, affection, tenderness, selflessness, hardwork, a positive attitude, a love for fun, a desire for the Lord....
He is everything I am not.
He's the father and husband that God called him to be and I spend every day thanking my lucky stars that he is ours.
He is Eph himself for his family.

*She's almost 7. And I could not have a more full heart just thinking of her and all her loveliness.

*I love the ages of our kids.
Its like the best of all worlds. I could live in this state for the rest of my life. Ok, maybe not that...but these are the days...and I am feeling like they could last forever and I'd be happy.

*Saturday night we got to have a fire with Nick, Stacie, Livvy and my mom.
We stayed up till almost Sunday.
We talked and laughed.
And tried out new smores grasshopper cookies, andies mints and marshmallow.
Um, YUM!

*Watching this and hearing Jordan laugh.
He loves some Martin Lawrence...and he's pulled me over to his side.
'...its not gonna be alright...I'm gonna chomp it up!'

*Lauren leaves for camp for a week tomorrow. She will miss Avery's birthday.
They will miss each other. They are close. Its obvious.
Tonight Lauren gave Avery her gift from her...all her old books that she read in kindergarten.
Avery WAS so excited and so thankful. You would have thought she had received Lauren's ipod or something. It was precious. They hugged and said, I love you.
Later Avery made a note for Lauren and asked me to hide in her suitcase to find later in the week. And previously in the week Lauren had given me a note to give Avery on her birthday.
See, they are close and they will miss each other a lot this week.

*My kids love to read. After receiving her gift from Lauren, Avery was worthless in helping prepare supper. I could not pull her nose from those books!

*Summer rocks.
Everything about it.
Corn on the cob for one.
And messy crazy haired two year olds.
She loves corn on the cob so much she wanted to eat it before I cooked it.

*We went kayaking today after church.
Our family is loving having these and spending time outside together.
There is nothing better.

*Today was my first time out...we got a sitter for Tori and I got to go.
So we decided to do the Iowa River.
It was ... uh, an adventure.
The kids were great.
I was a train wreck.
Seriously, my 9 year old can man her own kayak and is a pro...her 34 year old mother...cluster.
So, Jordan was in our tandem with Tess, Sully and Avery.
Lauren was in a single. I was in a single.
We were in the river no less than 15 SECONDS.
We came to a fork and Jordan said something like, we're headed down the middle...go left.
I wanted to go right. I ran into the fork, cut Jordan off and DUMPED IT!
Well the kayak of course filled with water. And I started yelling. Tess and Avery started bawling. I basically crawled on top of my overturned kayak and we floated. There was nothing I could do with a kayak filled with water in the middle of a river.
We eventually made it to a side and I somehow got hung up in a dam of tree branches. Jordan came to help...with my three kids. I was stuck. I was between the kayak and the trees getting slammed and hurt. But I wanted him out of there because I was terrified they would tip and one of the kids would get seriously hurt.
Well then I started to get sucked under the trees. I was scared. Jordan said, let the kayak go and get out of there. I was so bruised and tired by this point...somehow I got the kayak and myself out of there and we got to a bank and somehow we pulled the FULL kayak and tired/hurt me out.
We got re-situated and somehow started over after calming Avery and Tess down.
I think Cassie said it best...'Im so glad I didn't see that but I'm really sorry I didn't witness it too'
And my brothers are getting a big kick out of it. And really looking was funny. Scary, but funny. And if it werent for the bruising and serious soreness...I'd be laughing.
But we are safe and we wont forget that trip anytime soon. And we have some things to work on with the kids and uh, me as far as safety in the water goes.

So we're safe and we laughed.

*And Tori.
Love her.
She's happy.
She's fun.
She's the best.

*Tonight she tried corn on the cob.
And really didn't know what to think.
Maybe this end?
Mmmm, this might not be so bad.
Chubby baby fingers and cheeks.

*As I said she goes to camp tomorrow.
The same camp I went to as a girl.
She. Is. PUMPED.
She will do amazing, I have zero doubt.
We will miss her...but she is ready for this.
And I'm so excited to hear her stories that its really helping me to let her go.

*She got her hair cut off in preparation for camp.
Its SO cute.
And she was able to donate to Locks of Love.
She's so adorable.

*And my husband.
He's tired and preparing for another busy work week.
But he went out and picked me flowers from my rose bush tonight and put them in a vase for me...because he loves to make me happy.

I am so blessed.
I don't deserve a bit of what I have been given.

All this...and heaven too...

Hebrews 12:28
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.


Cassie said...

love you!

i'm wondering if it's our age or something. because i have been feeling exactly the same. everything as close to perfect as you can get. whatever it is, i say we just thoroughly ENJOY it.

miss you.

Ellie said...

Oh Becky. I am cyring and laughing with you at the kyaking fiasco. That so would have been me! Love Lauren's hair!!

yoderyears said...

Very glad I saw you today and that all seems well after your experience.

By the kids are not allowed to go on the water with you. Ever. Jordan, yes. Lauren, yes. You, probably not unless there has been some sort of training class and a certificate to prove it. :)

Lauren's hair looks great! She looks so much older...not that you wanted to hear that.