Thursday, June 09, 2011

Summer is fun?

Its week 2 of summer break.
And I about lost it yesterday.

I was complaining to Mandy and she said, 'Yeah, if it weren't for the tattling, whining, fighting and yelling summer would be great!'

So ok, we need some new attitudes...and a couple of family meetings.

But we'll get there.

And regardless of the crazies...I love these faces...lots and lots.

(pssst, day 6...dry all day! even with a trip to Waterloo thrown in!)

And he keeps me sane..and wow...cute.

And I'm working on my attitude too cause it might one of the worst.
(and apparently I also need some wrinkle cream)

1 comment:

Ellie said... must have a really nice camera or something :)