Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer is definetly exhausting

We may be running ourselves and the kids a bit too hard.
We are all tired and its starting to show.

But with summer here there is just so much fun to be had!

Friday Lauren went to a friend's house and the rest of us had Trina and the kids over for homemade pizza and a poop party for Tess. Then after they went home we let Sully sleep in Lauren's bed in Avery's room and the 2 of them didn't go to bed real early. We felt bad for Tess so we let her stay up with us till after 10 and then she just ended up sleeping with us. So none of the 4 older kids got much sleep that night.

Here's Tess enjoying her big moment with the poop cake.
She's had one accident since probably Wednesday...she is rockin' this potty train!

Then Saturday we had a super fun Yoder birthday party at noon & then rushed home and gathered a picnic supper and the kayaks and headed to the lake. We came home dirty and tired at 8:30. The kids had quick baths and were in asleep the minute their heads hit their pillows.

Then today we had lunch at my mom's with my cousin who I rarely get to see and her 4 girls. The kids played hard! Poor Sully the only boy among 8 girls!

And funny thing about these two 5 year olds...
Neither of them have their front teeth...
and neither of them lost them the 'natural' way!

Then I felt for some reason that the weekend wasn't complete with out taking the 3 older kids to the movie with Melanie and Jalen...another late night...gearing up for another busy week of playdates and parks and the pool.

Yep, we are spoiled....and in need of someone to reign in our fun!

I also started working on my french braid skills...I decided that with 4 girls it was something I should probably master. Lauren and Avery are always asking for french braids and I have to send them to Grandma Cindy. But no more! Aren't you proud of me Cindy?!
Oh, and the birds are growing...and somehow getting more disgusting.

And well that was random but I think I covered our weekend.
Here's to a new week.

1 comment:

D G Curren said...

Awesome braid, you need to teach me!
Disgusting birds.
And Sully does not look so happy about being the only boy in that picture!