Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Chicago Day 3

On Wednesday we did the Field Museum.
I was VERY excited for the kids to see Sue...which is like the nations or maybe even the world's most complete T-Rex.
They were not as impressed as I had hoped.

Because of that I made Jordan take my picture with this beast!
I didn't realize they found it in South Dakota!
God is so cool.

He is still a history teacher at heart.

The Egyptian exhibit had some neat parts.
Mummies for one - check out Avery's face!

And the dinosaur exhibit is hard to beat.
The girls with a triceratops.

Jordan and Sully being scary with a sabertooth tiger skeleton in the background.

Tess fell asleep on the trolley ride.
Possibly the most fun of the day for me! ;)

We let the kids pick where we ate for our last night.
They chose the Rainforest Cafe.

Tess woke up surrounded by LOUD elephants.
It took her awhile to come around.

Big sister took her on a little tour.

And then all was good.
And she loved the gorillas and imitated them all throughout the meal.

We left with balloon creations.

We took our time walking back to our hotel.
Kind of bittersweet knowing it was over and we'd be heading home in the morning and being ready to go home...but its always sad when a vacation comes to a close.
And Tess...your eyes girl...your eyes.
And with vacation recap is over!


Haley said...

We were at the Field Museum on the same day! Maybe we saw each other and didn't know it!

Beckysblog said...

Oh my gosh, I thought about you on and off throughout our time there and things I've seen on your blog.
So funny! I wish I'd known!

Courtney said...

i didn't know he was a history teacher?? cool!