Monday, June 06, 2011


Potty training days 2 & 3 are going significantly better than day 1.
She even pooped today!
And got one of her rewards..which she is watching in this picture.
We still have a ways to go & I still loathe potty training - but she is doing great!

And someone is full out crawling as of today - no more army crawl.
She's getting faster.
And she is into absolutely everything.
Including the potty chair.

Here she is basically stuck in the toy shelf.

Yeah, I caught you!


Meghan said...

Emmy is finally "officially" potty trained. Just like Kaden,one day it just seemed to click! BTW...dont you love babies that get into tiolets. :) Way to go Tess!

Jamie said...

Oh, I can empathize with this. I feel like I'm making zero progress. Before we even had Aly, Kurt and I made the agreement that I would potty train the kids and he would teach them to drive. What was I thinking?

Keep up the good work - both of you!! :)

Ellie said...

Good job Tess! And Torrance....stay little for awhile longer, please!

Sarah Guild said...

First, thanks for your kind comment on my blog! How nice of you! Also, any tips on the potty training process? When we get back from IA Caleb is on the hook for this and I don't think he's going to be as easy as Jonathan was...