Sunday, July 05, 2009


During some of the festivities today I got a little distracted and somehow, although she was sitting, RIGHT BESIDE ME, Tess fell down off the landscaping block and onto a cement step. 

You know the sound. The sound that makes your stomach lurch. The sound you'll never forget when its your own child's head against the pavement...

She screamed, I screamed, she bled I panicked. 

After some comforting and her falling asleep in my arms for 30 minutes she was fine. Fine except for a really nice goose egg and a cut up nose and cheek. 
It actually looks worse than it does in the pictures. 

But, as you can see, she recovered and had a blast in the jump pit later! 
I see you mommy! 

Biting the cage!

I still love you mommy! 

Oh that face! 
Here I come! 

(Courtney, seriously, can you believe this!?!)


Heather said...

Oh man! Poor girl! (and poor mom) :( amazing how resilient they are though!

Cassie said...

oh my gosh, becky! i totally thought of courtney, too! :) you guys are funny. and your babies both still love you!!

SO GLAD it was a fun weekend!!

Melanie said...

Poor Tess! Doesn't look like she holds a grudge long though!

Courtney said...

oh, becky! i'm JUST reading this!!! that is awful! and i KNOW how you felt!!! i'm so sorry! for what it's can't even tell it happened to sawyer now! TOTALLY gone!