Monday, July 13, 2009


So Sunday night we had a friendly kick-ball game with the Kirkpatrick's.

I believe it was the first time I've run in a full out sprint in years.

I also believe there are 3 or 4 important ligaments and tendons in my thigh and hamstring that will never, ever be the same.


Truly sad.

Oh, and the girls won.

And Jason threw the ball directly at my head, so maybe it wasn't all that friendly. Or possibly the adults playing were a little too competitive about it.

Did I mention the girls won?


Anonymous said...

When the girls get two chances to bat(kick), and the boys only get's pretty easy to "win."

You were pretty competitive - I guess we will have to step up our game next time!


Cassie said...

oh geez jordan....girls are just better than boys. duh.