Friday, July 10, 2009

More Medical Updates

Dont I have the most exciting posts...ha. Sorry, I just dont want to forget going through some of this, although I'm not really sure why...

a. Sully and I went to his sweat test today. 
This test is actually looking for Cystic Fibrosis. When I was told that I about freaked. WHY!??!?!?! Well I guess they have to test for this before a pediatric GI specialist will look at him. Unexplained, chronic diareah is ONE symptom of CF, and so they have to test for it before going to the specialist. So ok, no big deal. He has no other symptoms. Im not worried. 

Anyway, the test was a disaster. The tech was totally inept. I'm not normally that cruel but she was. And she didn't leave the patch on long enough so the test was a dud! We were there for 2 hours, for nothing. We have to go back. And this time the patch will have to stay on at least one hour - possibly 1.5. Which means next time we'll be there at least 3 hours. I am not pleased and they better not even attempt to bill me twice for this...ok, I'm done. Sorry, I just dont want to put Sully through that again! 

b.  Beyond that, we go to the pediatric GI in Iowa City on August 20th. 

c.  At the beginning of this week I couldnt take his exzema anymore so I took him to the dr. We started a new regimine of allergy med and he is SO much better! You wouldn't believe his legs could look one way last weekend and this way this weekend. It is GREAT! 

d.  He does not have Celiac's Disease but based on some advice we received, we are trying it for 2 weeks. We are through week 1 and not noticing a difference in the likely we will abandon this at the end of next week. 

a.  Tess's appoint with the Urologist in Iowa City was scheduled for Aug. 31. They called yesterday and asked to move it up to next Thursday! I am trying not to freak out and tell myself that its because her situation is worse than we thought...Im just saying we lucked out and are getting in early!

So we'll be in IC:
July 17 - Tess's consultation
Aug. 9 - Lauren's surgery
Aug. 20 - Sully's consultation

And with that fun post we are off to a weekend of fun at Felix Grundy Days! Just wait till you see the kids' costumes for the Kiddie Parade tonight! 


Jamie J said...

Good luck with all of your appointments!!

Courtney said...

thanks for the update!