Thursday, July 02, 2009

My lists...

I love lists. When I start to stress about a big job or jobs I have to do, I take a deep breath and think, "I just need to make my list". As soon as my list is made, I feel much much better. 
I love to cross things off and feel like I'm accomplishing things. 
It makes me feel in control of situations that are often chaotic. Yes, I may have a bit of a sickness. 

Jordan is always making fun of my lists. Lauren LOVES my lists, loves to help write them, add to them, cross things off...she makes her own lists. 

It just makes good sense! 

So we have 2 big parties this weekend and lots to do. Lots to clean, decorate, set up, rearrange, prepare, shop for and 'cook'. 

So I made my list....Jordan thinks I am off my rocker...its organized by room of the house and then a general catergory and then its color I know when things have to be done. 

He may have called me a 'freak'. 


(BUT! Last night when he was trying to be helpful after the kids were in bed, I saw him glancing at the list to see what he could do! See, it just makes good sense!)


Courtney said...

oh, you are speaking to my heart :-)

Anonymous said...

you are your father's daughter, only his were more Want list...Avery is more like me..let's see what is fun first!!!

Cassie said...

jordan loves it...i know he does.

Leighann said...

A girl after my own heart.